Sunday, May 24, 2009

Three Beautiful Things 05/21-24/09: Nurses and CNAs of Mercy, Ministry of Friends, IV Crush

A May 21st trip to the Emergency Room followed by admission to the hospital interrupted my Three Beautiful Things posts. Right now, I look back at 05/20 and read that I felt good. I was active that day. I didn't need any naps for the first time since coming home from the hospital on April 11th. Irony can be cruel. About four hours after I posted this sliver of optimism, all hell broke lose in my intestines. The Clostridium difficile (C diff) that I'd contracted a couple of weeks earlier and that I thought was gone, recoiled, returned, and entrenched itself in my nether regions and by 8:00 the evening of the 21st I was in the ER, dehydrated, a fever looming aroung 102 degrees. I'd been throwing up all day and diarreha was kicking in. But, beautiful things did not evaporate. Here are three:

1. The nurses and CNAs worked efficiently and cheerfully to help relieve me of my illness and to help me be comfortable. I enjoyed their ministrations and our conversations. The nurses and CNAs uplifted my spirits, and helped me feel better in non-pharmaceutical ways.

2. Margaret, Russell, Michael came to the hospital to visit and I relished our conversations. My Kellogg friends Jake, Ed, and Scott called me from Harrison, Idaho during a break from riding their motorcycles and Jake made me laugh harder than I had in weeks. High school classmate Ken Carter called me from Anchorage. He comforted me. So did Diane, another high school classmate. I returned home today to many messages from Facebook friends and discovered I was being prayed for by people in a prayer chain. Immeasureable. It's immeasurable how much of a boost friends are when I'm sick, and how much I appreciate the prayers of friends and strangers.

3. IV's. I love IVs. I want a home IV kit. I'm staggered by how much good the IVs have done for me.


myrtle beached whale said...

To assist in your recovery I did not pray for you. I am pretty sure that is why you are still alive. I sent good thoughts but had I attempted prayer you would have been a goner.

raymond pert said...

Thank you, Beached. What a relief...and keep up the good work...don't pray for me.

Desert Diva said...

I'm so sorry that you had a relapse and that I've been amiss at following you lately. I'll do better. Sending you lots of healing thoughts and prayers. Hang in there! You've had a rough time lately, but "all will be well." (Dame Julian of Norwich)

myrtle beached whale said...

I think I am going to write a song "don't pray for me." I will let you know if it comes together. No, it is not "Don't Pray For Me, Argentina."

MarmiteToasty said...

Just so very glad to see you back...... wont make me worry about your.... gawds sake, I have enough on me plate :)
